Friday, December 25, 2009

Blessing others; Blessing me

I am blessed in so many ways and there are so many opportunities for helping others. The economy this year has caused many to change the way they celebrate. I found that I enjoy helping others by giving but not in the traditional way. Sometimes the giving is of time or kind words. Sometimes the giving is a gift that they would never be able to do of their own resources. Sometimes it is just a gift for no reason. The people I am led to bless are not always family and it may seem to others that the person or family is not always deserving. I just know that when I feel the need to do it I must follow through. As one person I know says it is a "compulsion". No matter the reason, I am better for it and I receive a blessing in return. God has always provided for my needs over and above anything I could ask or think. And He blesses me over and over again and that is my driving force.
So this Christmas Season, when you are celebrating in your own way, think of those who may benefit from a blessing from you. It might seem a small thing to you, but to the person laid on your heart to bless it will be monumental. Try it. You won't be disappointed.
Then as the New Year dawns, don't let the spirit of giving be a thing of last year. I find that it is an awesome way to live. Blessing others; Blessing me.

Have a Blessing Merry Christmas
and to all a Blessed New Year

by: Watheleen Farley

1 comment:

Jim said...

I've fished at the foot with you in the natural and the spiritual. You have put into words a truth that I wish every Christian understood and practiced. Thanks for reminding me about the blessings we keep wraped up and never deliver in the Name of Christ.
Brother Jim